Fat Slap News....
”Health…Reach”Did you know.... Apple Cider Vinegar added to a warm bath will invigorated your fatigued body!! Pour ACV over your shoulder and chest. Vinegar also restores the Natural germ-killing acidityof your skin..... Which when bathing is washed away!!
”Sodium-the Real Problem”
Because Sodium is linked to so many diseases.... Safety dictates that you begin reading all labels before buying packaged foods. Avoid foods with more than 150 mg of Sodium/serving. Try using sage, thyme, garlic and other tasty spices in cooking...while dropping the "Salt Shaker" in the garbage!!
But did you know "Sodium"kills you cells!! "
Salt Bursts Cells"
Eliminate as much Salt as you can from your diet and you will live to be 100...barring no bad accidents!!
FAT LOSS PILLS...Safe or Harmful?button Tweet Follow @getskinny47 Email me: Contact UsOk, let's checkout these fat loss pills out, but first let me ask you. Desperation is a very strong emotion-it gives the impression there's no other way to solve a problem. Is your weight a real life threatening problem or are you looking for a fast fix from an overweight situation you've been experiencing for years? What's more important your health or taking off a few pounds that you'll just gain back next week? Is that why you put the only thing that keeps you on this planet at risk..being desperate to drop pounds? Have you even though about healthy weight loss, the kind you don't gain back....if so click here.
Think about this for awhile before reading on. Answer the questions honestly write your answers down.
![]() Fat Loss Pills on the Market
Let's start by reviewing the clinical data on Adapexin-P. This says it all, a review from a user on Amazon 5 star (top) reviews:
"5.0 out of 5 stars diet pills don't work by themselves I have gone through week 2 of my trial--exercising (zumba and DC) 3-5 times a week and have lost 11 lbs and 4 inches off my hips and stomach (combined) I read all the reviews about how it didn't work for you--well you have to cut your caloric intake, drink tons of water, and exercise. Unfortunately sitting on your butt isn't going to do anything." Hey wait a minute, isn't that what I have been preaching about for over 15 years. Drop calories and get your butt up off the couch and move-it's call exercise. Of course, minus the drug. Because if you are exercising 5 times a week and have cut calories even but 25%, you can't help but lose weight. And you don't need untested drugs to do it. Here's another review from Amazon: "I force myself to walk/jog 2-3 times a week bc of lack of energy. I started this pill 4 days ago and have more energy then I have in years. I'm even jumping on the trampoline with my son! It has curved my appetite and I have lost 4lbs. I'm waiting a week to re-take measurements but I feel like I've lost some. So far, pretty wonderful!" She forces herself to walk, she must not walk long enough for adrenalin to kick in and take her through the rest of the workout on a cloud!! So, what do the 1 star reviewers have to say: "Very disappointed because after using this product I have NOT had an increase in energy or a decrease in appetite." "I took this product for 2 weeks, along with exercising 3-4 times week...and if anything it made me hungrier, rather than helping to curb my appetite. I actually GAINED 4 lbs. in the 2 weeks I was on this product. Now what? I'm getting my $ back...what a waste!" "I have tried all kinds of diet pills, and they do not work. This product caused major heartburn and I did not lose weight at all." I could not have said it better: "Did not like this product. Did not work as explained online. BOGUS! I did all that it instructed and still no difference with or without this product. I guess you should just eat less, and move more!" Of the 24 reviews 10 were the bottom at 1 star that roughly 40% of the users.
Now, the first thing you should be asking yourself before putting any fat loss pills/drugs into your body, is it safe? Are there any side effects? Has the product been tested by an independent lab? Well, let's see: You might wonder how companies are allowed to sell potentially unsafe fat loss pills? Dietary supplements and weight-loss crap aren't subject to the hundreds of rigorous conditions and standards as are prescription drugs. These ineffective, sometimes dangerous pills can be sold with the bear minimum of testing or label warnings. In fact the virtually account to no agency. These fraudulent companies are left to their own devious devices. These fat loss pills and active ingredients are rated by the FDA to be:
Alli — the prescription drug version is orlistat (Xenical); Decreases absorption of dietary fat. Effective weight-loss amounts typically less for OTC versus prescription. FDA investigating reports the drug causes liver damage
Bitter orange - Increases calories burned; Insufficient reliable evidence to rate; Possibly unsafe Chitosan - Blocks absorption of dietary fat; Insufficient reliable evidence to rate; not known to be safe. Chromium - Increases calories burned, decreases appetite and builds muscle; Insufficient reliable evidence to rate; Likely safe if taken in small amounts. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (I have to comment on this product. I have consumed this drug for 3 days tops, I got a horrible red burning rash on my legs and abdomen. Be very careful with this drug!!) This is what it's purported to do: Reduces body fat and builds muscle. This is what the FDA say, I don't believe it: Possibly effective; Possibly safe.
Country mallow (heartleaf) - Decreases appetite and increases calories burned; Insufficient reliable evidence to rate; likely unsafe and banned by FDA.
Ephedra: has killed by inducing heart failure; Decreases appetite; Possibly effective, any product with this drug in it is unsafe and banned by FDA. Green tea extract - Drink it for it's health benefits. Increases calorie and fat metabolism and decreases appetite; a statement of half trues, in my experience I found non of these claims to be true. Insufficient reliable evidence to rate; Possibly safe Guar gum - Blocks absorption of dietary fat and increases feeling of fullness; Possibly ineffective; Likely safe. Hoodia - Decreases appetite; Insufficient reliable evidence to rate; Insufficient information in total. Read more:click here. The reports you have read concerning the above fat loss pills comes from the FDA conclusion. Because of the lack of testing not much can be reported. Most, I would never put in my body. There have not been enough studies and clinical trials, if any at all to warrant the risk! ![]() Most fat loss pills and other weight loss drugs are to be used no long than 12 weeks, before they become a health risk. Most losing weight drugs: Increased blood pressure significantly Cause dizziness Give you dry mouth Make you Sleepy Cause a nervousness: agitated, irritable state Constant constipation If you have medical conditions like: All forms of heart disease; if you are taking medicines for high blood pressure; if you an overactive thyroid gland; eye problems such as glaucoma. You had better not be taking any form of drugs unless proscribed by your doctor if you are pregnant!! I'll be reporting more information about fat loss pills in the future. DL Grace pMed; BSM; ASEMT The Slimming Diet Six-Diets Diet-reviews Fat Loss Pills Contact Us