Ways to Lose Weight  without Sagging Skin

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Vitacost.com Dieting can be made easy just by following a few simple tricks. Water flushes fat… can’t get any easier!

No. 14...Way to Lose Weight

Meal Replacement

Naturade Total Soy Meal Replacement Strawberry Creme --17.88 oz
May Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease. May Reduce Cholesterol. Promotes Weight Loss. Natural Strawberry Creme Flavor Convenient 13 Day Supply

I devised my own meal replacement shake last year when I began yo-yoing again.

Not only that, I very suddenly had raised blood pressure, enough of a hike for my doctor to tell me, "make changes!"

I did... with a new shake recipe and took off 33 lbs in under 90 days just drinking my shake for dinner and not snacking unless it effected my sleep.

I found that if I went to long without food it disturbed my sleep and rest did not come.

So, I'd get up and have some form of carbohydrates, not protein, that would wake me up not settle me down.

I found homemade sugar cookies to be the best natural drug-free sleeping aid.

VPX Syngex Synergistic Whey Protein Blend Chocolate -- 5 lbs
(SpiroFuse Reverse Osmosis) Whey Protein! SpiroFuse Filtration! Intact Fat Globule IGF-Rich Teaming with Bio-Active Protein Micro-Fractions! Awesome Taste Contains: ZERO CARB

Ways to Lose Weight-Protein Powders

Designer Whey Biggest Loser Whey Protein Powder Vanilla Bean -- 10 oz
Quality Product for a Healthy Lifestyle. 50 Calories, 6 g Protein, 6 g Fiber and 1 g Fat. All Natural designer Naturally Flavored

I happen to believe my homemade shakes are better, but most of these will get the job done when dieting with sensible meal planning.

The important thing to remember is to stick to the routine.

Overeating is more a habit than anything else.

Why do you got fat in the first place?

Well that is and should be between you and your therapist.

This is the
I lost
90 Days

Before breakfast I drank water, you do this because it cleans out your bladder, kidneys and sets your metabolism at a faster rate for the day.

Drink a glass of fresh juiced orange juice or fresh juiced vegetable juice, somewhere around 6 oz or more it doesn't matter.

Ways to lose weight: eat breakfast 30 minutes later.

I ate oatmeal mixed with bananas and peanut butter and a large glass of 2% organic milk. (I have not drunk chemical ladened milk in over 15 years)

Or I'd eat an egg either poached or pan fried with flour-free bread made into toast.

I always eat real butter, the kind that has olive oil and sea salt added.

For a beverage either more juice or milk or chai latte'.

If you apply any of the methods we discuss here on ways to lose weight you are bound to run across several capable of assisting you in losing weight and more importantly, not gaining the pounds back.

I have had three really big gains in nearly 30 years, I lose weight, keep it off for 2 to 5 years then gain it back and always more than I was before I lost the last time.

So, I have had to be inventive with several ways to lose weight.

Garden of Life Organic RAW Meal? Chocolate -- 2.7 lbs
Organic Meal Replacement Formula. Naturally Filling 20 VITAMIN and Minerals Gluten Free Dairy Free. USDA Organic. REAL RAW Chocolate Cacao.

Dream Quest Malibu Miracle Shake Mixed Berry -- 0.86 lbs
Nature's Plus Malibu Miracle Meal Replacement Shake. High Protein Energy Meal with Soy, Rice and Pea Protein

Vitacost Berrytastic Fruit & Vegetable Complex -- 8.4 oz (240 g)
With added vegetables, sprouts, green juices and probiotics! For a diet lacking in fruits, vegetables.

These are great for snacks. Kardea Nutrition Heart Healthy Bar Chai Spice -- 15 Bars
Heart Healthy & Inspired. For Natural Cholesterol Management. 1g Natural Plant Sterols. 7g Fiber. 7g Plant Protein. Vegan